Breaking Barriers and Building Futures

Together, we can make a difference.

Goodwill Industries Sacramento Color Tag Sales



Donations help people - and the environment. Good quality clothing, furniture, and items like books, toys, and dishes stay in use and out of landfills.



Donated items are sorted and processed for resale in Goodwill retail stores, which provides an affordable shopping alternative for the community.



Profits from the sale of donated items go directly into Goodwill employment training and counseling programs.



Obtaining and keeping employment is much more attainable when given the proper training and counseling.

Interested in working for an organization making a difference in our community?

If you have a passion for success and want to change lives, Goodwill is the place to launch an invigorating career in retail. Are you ready to join us?

Our Partner Organizations

Our Family of Nonprofits provides a holistic approach to solving some of our society’s biggest challenges. We do this by empowering our partners to create opportunities for individuals and communities.

Next Move Homeless Services

Next Move (formerly Sacramento Area Emergency Housing Center) is a profound force in moving homeless families and individuals to self-sufficiency and self-reliance. Started as a Family Shelter program in 1972 to meet the basic needs of seven homeless families, the agency now serves an average of 500 people each day.

Our expanded services include providing individual success plans, self-sufficiency workshops and groups on living skills, parenting, budgeting, housing, health and mental health care, housing relocation assistance, employment readiness and community support services.

Next Move’s shelters, temporary housing and permanent housing, bolstered by an ever-growing list of services, continue to make visible and measurable changes in people's lives. Our current mission is to help families with children and individuals achieve self-reliance.

Community Link Capital Region works to help people turn ideas into action through information, planning, civic engagement, and advocacy for human needs.


  • Enable the people of the Sacramento Region to access and use community resources by providing high-quality information and referral services
  • Transform people and communities through volunteer service and civic engagement
  • Enhance public dialogue and decision-making by providing factual information and reports and offering people the opportunity to study and influence public policy
  • Improve individual and community conditions through planning, services coordination, program development and coalition building
  • Enhance the capability of the organization by building strong leadership, developing discretionary resources, and planning for the future
Community Link


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